Saturday, 3 September 2016

Persistent Dedication

When I was younger I would sometimes sit and wonder how people like Bill Gates and Richard Branson had managed to achieve what they had achieved. What did they have that I seemed to lack? I couldn't figure it out. They were like super humans. It wasn't until a couple of years ago when I discovered that Branson has dyslexia and didn't finish high school, and Gates was considered a nerd because of his fascination with computers. And then it all became clear. They are human just like the rest of us. But they used there passion, knowledge and most importantly their persistent dedication to get themselves to where they are now.

My lecturer told showed us a video the one day about a female sound engineer who had won a Grammy award. He never told us this before hand but when the video was finished he asked us if we had noticed it. Most of us said no. He then proceeded to tell us that this lady had work as the maid in the studio when she came straight out of high school and went to work for the studio. She has no formal training in sound engineering. Yet there she sits in the video with a Grammy award behind her on a shelf. Once again, persistent dedication.

Where am I going with this?

There are times in our lives where we are unmotivated because we are not doing what we want to be doing. And a lot of the time this is because we are unwilling to take the risk of doing what we love and loving what we do. So we are never persistent in pursuing our dreams and we are never dedicated to achieving them.

I look at all of these people who have so much money that they don't know what do with it all while those who need it most don't have the persistent dedication to go out and find away to become those wealthy people. As the old saying goes "Better the devil they know then the one they don't." I feel it shouldn't have to be that way.

In a nutshell. GO out there. Carpe diem. Live, don't just be alive. Do NOT fear change, embrace it. Learn to have that persistent dedication that drives those who have it.

Keep feeling the beat

'Til next time

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