Thursday, 14 July 2016

One Degree (1°)

One degree is all it takes to change direction. Think about this - if you travel one hundred kilometres, from where you are now, in a straight line in a helicopter and then turn 179 degrees and travel home in a straight line, you will find that you are about 30 meters from your starting point. Now think about the decisions that you made 10 years ago; and think about where, if you changed that decision by just as little as one degree, you would be ten years later. Let’s just say, for example, that you travel a hypothetical 10 000 km a year you would be 3 333 km from where you are now. A degree of longitude is widest at the equator at 69.172 miles (111.321km)

But, wait a minute. Think about the people that say to you change just one thing a day and you will alter your life radically. True but think about this - if you change your life in the same way every day by one degree after 360 days you will be back where you started!

So change it for the better but be aware of your changes. Look at what is not working and change it in another direction.

If you take those first frightened, dragging steps towards what is scaring us now, we will grow in spirit, in confidence and strength of character. And as we move forward into fear we learn that the things that we fear either do not come to pass at all or if they do, because you have grown in confidence, you will look at them differently. What you used to perceive as life ending will now only appear as a speed bump in the road.

You need the butterflies in your stomach and the sleepless nights to tell you that you are on the right path. Almost nothing that you do for the first time will be a cake walk, only after you have done it, so often that it is second nature, will it be easy.

What do you think is the difference between you and people such Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, John Demartini and Thomas Edison? They all started their adult life with little or no Education and made a huge success of themselves.

It is the way they think - to them there are no impossibilities, just opportunities to do things that have not yet been done!

It is the way we perceive “problems, stumbling blocks and obstacles.” If we look at them as opportunity for solutions or challenges would it not be easier?

Remember that if you punctuate impossible it becomes I’m-possible. And remember, everything that you see around you today, technologically was impossible 100 to 200 years ago.

You would have been, at best, locked up and, at worst; you would have been burnt at the stake for witch craft for even trying to predict it. The only thing that makes it impossible is our mindset. It is may not yet be possible for technological reasons, but that does not mean it is impossible. It just means that you, or someone else, has not found a solution yet.

If in 1910 you told someone that we would fly faster than the speed of sound and go to the moon, chances are that you would be laughed at and ridiculed. And, fifty years ago, if you told some one that you would carry your phone in your pocket and can take it all over the world with you, you would be avoided as loony. In 1990 if you said that the cell phone would have GPS, a camera or two and be able to connect to the internet you would have laughed at.

Now most of us carry phones that do that and so much more! The point I am making is that anything you think is impossible just means you have not found out how to do it yet or you are too caught up in the day to day grind to spend the time looking at how to make it possible.

There is the case in 2011 where scientists had been struggling for more than a decade to come up with the shape of a protein that will help them understand how to better fight retroviral diseases. So one scientists, who is also an online gamer, asked the online community to play a game called “Foldit” - it took gamers three weeks to come up with a serviceable solution to the problem!

So remember nothing is impossible - it is just not possible yet.

We are the only stumbling blocks to our future. If we have no money ask for sponsorship or sell part of the rights to your idea to fund it. Or if you have vast amounts of online friends, do a crowd funding exercise. Apply to companies that are in the same sort of business to finance it and you will give them exclusive rights to market it. Speak to friends and family. Put posters up on message boards asking for help or advice or financial assistance.

Just a one degree change today can change your future for the best!

With warm regards from a beautiful Cape Town,